
Howdy! I'm fairly new to the blog world. I love expressing myself through my personal style and want to share this passion of mine. I hope you enjoy!

Just a little about myself…
My name is Theresa. I'm a sister, daughter, friend, dancer, and lover of Christ. I'm shy and silly. I love to read, dance, and laugh. I enjoy going to the zoo; the zebras and otters are my favorites. I have red hair and blue eyes, so I take pride in being a rare form of human. I really like to exercise and since I don't dance all day, every day like I used to 'back in college' (which I'm not bitter about at all), I instead do zumba and yoga a lot. I'm obsessed with my dogs, two adorable Westies. I don't drink. I like art, poetry, and pressed flowers. I'm passionate about equality (gender, sexual orientation, race, etc.), art education, and domestic violence issues. Currently, I'm volunteering with Brethren Volunteer Service and living in the suburbs of Chicago. 

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